Massage Castle Hill | 0412 757 712 | 2154 | Remedial Massage| Massage

2012-05-31 74
Do you want a massage in the comfort and convenience of your own home in Castle Hill.

We offer the following massage services in Castle Hill.

hot stone

Our qualified massage therapists, male and female come to you. You

Save time and money
No need to rush to be on time for the appointment
Save the hassle of driving in Castle Hill traffic and having to find a parking spot
Avoid having to drive after the massage when your mind and body are relaxed

Massage Gift Certificates

Whether you live in Castle Hill, Pennant Hills or Birmingham, England, you can send a Massage Gift Certificate to some one you love in Castle Hill.

Do you need a Health Fund Rebate for your massage ?

Our massage therapists have Health Fund provider status and will issue you with a receipt after your massage.